Wednesday 14 July 2010

Writers Block

Firstly I would like to apologise for my lack of updates, recently. Life's been rather interesting in the past couple of weeks, and as blogging has kind of been the last thing on my mind.

Nevertheless, in an attempt to get the writing juice flowing again I decided answer some questions that caught my eye on the 'Writer's Block' section of Livejournal (something of which I believe may become a bit of a habit).

No.1: If you could visit just one website for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
This is a toughie, and really I suppose with me wanting to gain a career in Journalism, I should probably pick some high calibre news site, such as, or Associated Press. But, as they say, honesty is the best policy, and as such I think I'd have to go for It's my favourite blog/site, and is one of the first I go to when I log on to the internet each day. Failing that, I'd probably pick Aren't I cheeky sneeking in a second choice.

No.2: If you were to have a drink made to represent you what would be in it?
I loved this question. Well I'd probably go straight off and say Malibu, as that is my favourite spirit, and it reminds me of sunshine, beaches and holidays which I love. And then probably something like Coca Cola, because it's classic and simple. And then to be honest nothing else really goes, and I love a good Malibu and Coke. So I suppose I'd stick with that.

No.3: What would you do if you suddenly found out all the pigs in the world were dead, and the bacon you had for breakfast this morning had actually been made from human remains?
This disturbed me slightly. Either someone really has too much time on their hands to ponder such things, or has recently eaten some pretty questionable bacon. Nevertheless, I'd be concerned if I had eaten said human 'bacon' especially if I enjoyed it, however I'm sure I'd live.

No.4: Do you have a favorite park, and if so why?
Central Park hands down. I've visited it twice now, and love it more with every visit. During my last visit in February it was covered in pure, white snow, and I was driven round the park in a Bicycle Cab by a native New Yorker whilst snuggled up in a blanket and drinking hot chocolate and it was one of the best experiences of my life yet. I got to see the park in all it's glory, and it was like something out of film. The ice skating rinks were full of people, the lakes had frozen over, there were racoons and rabbits hopping around and the guy cycling was telling us all about the history of the park, and pointing out famous parts of the park featured in films and TV shows. Next I want to see it in Summer. When they do the plays in the middle of the park, and everyone goes there for picnics.

No.5: Whats the craziest thing you have ever eaten?
I ate octopus in Greece a couple of years ago, wthout my knowledge as it was hidden in the midst of this gorgeous creamy pasta dish. My parents knew that octopus was an ingredient in said dish, but neglected to tell me this until I'd devoured the thing and had happily stated that I had enjoyed it. Upon revealing the presence of the octopus however I felt ill, and as such have never eaten it, in any form, since. Other than that, nothing too out of the ordinary.

No.6: If you only had one more meal to eat on this earth, where would you go to eat it, and perhaps what would you order?
Angelo's of Mulberry Street, located in the Little Italy, New York. During the previously mentioned trip to New York in February, we met up with some friends of us who hail from New Jersey and they took us to Angelo's on our last night in the city. It was the most delicious meal of my life. The restaurant was proper, authentic, Italian-American style and packed with diners, and instead of ordering from a menu the lead waiter there (a friend of our friends) brought out plate upon plate of different dishes to try, and all were amazing. Proper Italian home cooking. And to top it off, the waiters came out at the end of our meal with a stunning dessert of Biscotti and Sweet Cream with a candle on top and sang Happy Birthday to me in their best operatic voices, in addition to the other people there, in celebration of my birthday the following week, something of which had been organized by our friends in surprise. Topping that off, they then took us round the corner to the infamous Little Italy bakery Ferrara's, for post dinner Cannaloni dessert, as seen in the old gangster films like the Godfather, much to my Dad's delight. The place was full of the most gorgeous looking cakes I've ever seen, and we were told that pratically no one eating in Little Italy has dessert at the restaurants, they all go to Ferrara's after dinner, which was probably validated by how packed out the place was. Nevertheless, most certainly where I would go for my last meal, and I'd probably just try a little bit of everything I guess!

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